International Clinical Trials Day (May 20th)
Clinical trials are tests in which certain medications or supplements are tested by monitoring the effects among patients who have received the medication, and patients who have received a smaller dose or none at all.
Trials are conducted in a set timeframe, and the patients picked for them are vetted so that the results would be as accurate as possible.
Clinical Trials Day is about raising awareness for these trials, how they save lives, and how important they are to the medical industry and furthering medical research.
History of Clinical Trials Day
This day has quite a History attached to it – as it’s celebrating and observing and event that happened centuries ago – way back in the 1700s to be exact!
Back in 1747, one surgeon James Lind was working on the HMS Salisbury, a ship in Britain’s Royal Navy fleet. Patrolling the English channel, the ship’s seamen were working at a time when it was not at all uncommon for them to be struck down by the dreaded scurvy – and, quite often, be killed by it.
Scurvy is an unpleasant disease which comes about mainly due to a lack of vitamin C. Those who pass away due to it usually do so thanks to infection caused by gum disease and bleeding that it causes.
James Lind, a pioneer in naval hygiene, thought he knew how he might be able to treat it – but he needed some proof. So, he got together 12 affected men to run his test on, by giving some citrus fruits and some not. This was the first clinical test.
How to celebrate Clinical Trials Day
Clinical trials are some of the most effective ways of finding out what treatments can help to cure certain illnesses or help to improve certain functions of the body.
Professionals conducting clinical trials are often in need of people to conduct these tests on. They are safe, and often you receive payment, so if you wish to help medical Science you could sign up to be included in clinical trials today.
You can increase awareness online and at work by downloading the posters, selfie signs and all sorts from the official Clinical Trials Day website.
Make sure that when you post about it on social media, you use the hashtag #clinicaltrialsday – and be certain to take a look at what other people are posting about the day and get involved in the discussion!
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