National Social Security Day (August 14th)

Wherever people are and whatever they do, everyone plays at least a small part of a greater society. And some people might consider the social security system to be a helpful indicator of togetherness. National Social Security Day is here to celebrate and raise awareness for the important help that having a social security system can be, benefiting many individuals and therefore helping the group as a whole.
History of National Social Security Day
In the United States, the Social Security system dates back to 1935 when it was signed into law by then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This system was brought by the federal administration as a response to the financial crisis and subsequent Great Depression of the economy that took place in the US and all over the world in the 1920s.
The US Social Security Act sought to provide care for needy persons, including the elderly, those who are disabled, children who are orphaned or other types of people in need. In 1937, the system began collecting taxes and paying out benefits to those in need.
With more than 65 million people today receiving benefits from US Social Security each year, this more than 75 year old system continues to be a help for many people. Though the benefits are lower than many other developed nations, it’s helpful to have some options for those in need.
National Social Security Day is celebrated each year on the anniversary of the day the Social Security Act was signed into law.
How to Celebrate National Social Security Day
Wondering about some ways to observe National Social Security Day? Check out some of these ideas for celebrating:
Learn Some Facts About Social Security
One super way to observe National Social Security Day would be to get more educated and informed about it. Parents, teachers and other people who care for school aged kids might want to provide some interesting lessons to help young people learn a bit more about what social security is and how it works.
Consider learning and sharing some of these interesting facts for National Social Security Day:
A Social Security Number (SSN) is for life. It is only under very extreme circumstances (like domestic abuse) that a person can get a new number.
The first digits of the SSN are assigned based on the zip code where the card was issued, starting with lower numbers on the east coast and moving higher as the regions go west.
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, kids often didn’t get their SSN and card at birth. Instead, they got it when some important event happened, like applying for their first driver’s license.
Look Up Social Security Benefits
Americans who are in the workforce or have some other access to social security benefits, like through a spouse, can access the US Social Security Administration website to find out what their status would be if they needed to claim benefits for some reason. National Social Security Day might be a great time to check in to find out more about this personal information in preparation for the future.
Help Some Folks in Need
Anyone can fall on hard times, or have a period during which a little help doesn’t go amiss, which is why these support systems exist. A good way to celebrate National Social Security Day is to think about the more unfortunate members of society and do something for them.
In fact, National Social Security Day might be a great time to reach out to someone who might have had some difficulty recently. Baking up a tray of cookies or a big stew and taking it to a soup kitchen is one good idea. Another good idea is to volunteer for a shift in that same kitchen. Send the kids out to mow the lawn of an elderly or infirm neighbor, or have a yard sale and donate the proceeds to a homeless charity. Have fun, but be generous as well!
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